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Brazil on a knife edge
“Should the sale of guns and ammunition to civilians be
prohibited?” This is the question that 122 million Brazilians answered 'No' to as they
went to the polls yesterday to vote in the first referendum on gun control in the
The daily crime statistics would seem to have pointed
overwhelmingly to an obvious Yes vote. There are currently an estimated 17
million guns in Brazil and 39,000
firearms deaths every year. Over 500,000 people have been killed by guns
between 1979 and 2003 – more than in any other country in the world, including
those at war.
However, to combat these shocking statistics, the
powerful ‘No’ lobby – supported by the National Rifle Association (NRA) in the US and accused of a ‘dirty
tricks’ campaign – has
been promulgating the commonly held belief that the guns used to commit crimes
are those acquired on the illegal market or diverted from state security
forces. Enforcement, they say, would allow criminals in possession of weapons
already to further threaten the security of ‘ordinary’ citizens.
Such a view seems to have struck a chord with the
electorate and reflects
a mind-set entrenched within social and institutional spheres that has allowed
a culture of violence to go unchecked for so long. Since the military
government of the 1970s policing has become a matter of protecting one group a
civilians from another. In a Manichean division of society drawn along economic
(and therefore racial) lines, “ordinary” citizens are protected against the
marginais, or “low-lifes”. Under this so-called “criminalisation of poverty”,
the Polícia Militar (PM) continually demonise and target “subversive elements”
of the population within poor, urban (favela)
communities. Judges are able to issue collective warrants drawn against whole
communities containing “genetic rubbish” in order to respond to “the cry of
help and justice” by “honest” citizens.
Those that are seen to be dangerous are therefore
literally removed from the streets in what the police advertise as a civil war.
The disparity in mortality statistics tells a different story. In Rio in 2003, 1192 civilians were killed versus only 45 policemen in co-called “shoot-outs” in which the police are cast as the
victims. Police power and police action have all too often become one and the
same thing over the last two decades under a reductive methodology in which
deaths are seen as evidence of effective and efficient policing. This
results-oriented approach has been to the detriment of preventative policing
and criminal investigation (over 90% of people are arrested in the act of
committing a crime) and has led to the highest increase in prison population in
the world (1995 to 2003 saw a 93% increase). The forced classification of
prisoners by criminal faction in many prisons has lead to the perpetuation of
factions within favela communities on the outside and further violent clashes
on the inside.
It is clear that the democratisation of power does not
necessarily bring the democratisation of institutions and the state.
Authoritarian patterns of behaviour continue within state institutions
including a culture of impunity amongst the security forces offering police an official
mandate for violence against a crimal(ised) class. If, as David Bayley
has famously asserted, “the police are to government as the edge is to a
knife”, in Brazil the security forces have cut through the rule of law,
severing notions of citizenship and tearing up the liberal tradition by its
roots. Brazil is still a long way from upholding the 5th article of its constitution
guaranteeing equality under the law and the discourse of human rights continues
to be degraded in the public sphere as offering privileges for “bandits” whilst
acting against the concerns of “good citizens”.
There remains a suspicion by many that the
government’s disarmament campaign – begun in 2003 under President Lula – is a mere gesture to both
the public and to the watching world whilst the will to true institutional
reform remains a long way off. Whilst not a solution to Brazil’s security
problems the banning of guns would have been a crucial first step – especially
after the sale of guns has soared in the months leading up to the vote – on the
road towards reform and must be viewed as a missed opportunity. The government
must now act to bring about weighty and long-term commitments to reform the
police and changing a public and institutional mindset that continues to cut
Brazilian society into good and bad, rich and poor.
October 24, 2005 | Permalink
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