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Madrid recommendations: internet and democracy

Just in: participants in the Madrid Conference on Terrorism, Democracy and Security have drawn up recommendations about the role of the internet in democracy, which you can read here.

The document, The Infrastructure of Democracy, states: "truth emerges best in open conversation among people with divergent views".

"Terrorism is everyone's issue. The internet connects everyone. A connected citizenry is the best defense against terrorist propaganda."

Consider yourself a connected citizen? This is about the part you play.

March 10, 2005 in Democracy & Terrorism | Permalink


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Yes and Know.
If democracy is about an informed electorate voting thoughtfully on major issues via their elected representative, no.Seemingly most of the electorate does not use the internet in this way expecting the sound bites of their representative to suffice for information.

Yes in that by expending a lot of time, less as one learns which writers do so factrually and truthfully with a minimum of spin, one can be informed, even ahead of decisions.
Two items detract from this being useful or effective. The first is democracy itself, the majority rules. This majority increasingly or always places entertaiment above obligation. Secondly a minority may obtain a hearing it is limited and occasional.
Today the Spin, avidly followed by much of the media, mostly by omission swamps, deliberateley?, rational thought which needs not only facts but time.
The Western nations are very good at this a reflection of the wealth, that is so many competing 'entertainements', deliberate control by the leaders, and a consenting press which sees profit, short term and they don't suffer much in the long term, as their role.

Posted by: douglas jones | 11 Mar 2005 04:32:10

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