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Listening to the US Attorney General...

I have just come from listening to His Excellency the new Attorney General of the USA, Alberto Gonzales, speaking to a session at the Madrid summit. The difference of tone between him and most other speakers was striking. All our important speakers are emphasising that fundamental principles of the rule of law and human rights must be safeguarded or the terrorists will win. Mr. Gonzalesview is that in the fight against terrorism we must "seize the initiative in a way that is consistent with the rule of law". Rarely can the word consistent have seemed so miserable and diminished.

Everyone else I have heard speak at the Summit - look at Kofi Annan's speech for a clear example - has gone out of their way to recognise the long list of terrorist outrages from Bali to Bagdhad that have taken place between September 11 and March 11 - except Alberto Gonzales. The words talk about a global struggle, but the world as it is lived seems not to figure in any felt or human way.

He spoke of the need to "fight terrorism and advance freedom so that the world will be more peaceful" but the tone was militaristic, and his conclusion left no room for doubt: "we will not be divided, we will taste victory."

It did not leave a particularly democratic taste in my mouth.

March 10, 2005 in Democracy & Terrorism | Permalink


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Are you surprised?
The spin of the day is that terrorism is the cause of current strife, that such justifies American (Bush)hegemony and mayhem in certifying such. Used to be WMD! Letus have a definition which will show others as terrorists!
Since 1968 there have been (my information is a CIA source MIPT Terrorism Knowledge. and as such perhaps doubtful)20,895 incidents, 69,250 injuries and 27,110 deaths world wide. (to jan 2005) The figure for collateral deaths in Iraq alone is variously stated but an estimate using statistics similar to others used in population counts, activities, etc is 100,000 deaths.(this is just 2003-2005 two years not 37.I should add that afigures show a larger hump for incidents and deaths 1989 to 2005 than earlier.) Car crashes have killed world wide, well the wealthier world how many? Fear is the key to control-just go to bed thinking you will become a car crash statistic on waking tomorrow!
The big disguise is we fight terrorism! FREEDOM so he says. The figures for those on less than $2 per day and those who are or will be youths, male in particular, are? How many will rebel? Figures for those upset by war and mayhem?

Posted by: douglas jones | 11 Mar 2005 06:45:30

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