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White Band Man

I'll spare overmuch description of the event; i've just arrived, and have seen little, as yet. Such as I have resembles a vibrant pile-up, somewhere between Glastonbury and a refugee camp. The big event of tomorrow, and perhaps of the week, seems to be a breakfast meeting. For 12000 people. In a local Football Stadium. At 8:30 in the morning. President Lula - variously described in the programme as hero of the workers and running dog of the neo-liberal hegemony - will be joining this absurdly early gathering before (we think) heading off to join the less glastonbury / refugee camp surroundings at DAVOS. The event is to launch the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, who will be spending the year handing out stylish white bands  (pdf) - think pink ribbons, but different - in support of fair trade, more aid and less debt. Quite how this can be the launch of a group who have been around for six months or so, we're not sure. We'll go and find out tomorrow, and hope someone is providing wake-up coffee in truly global quantities.

January 26, 2005 in World Social Forum | Permalink


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Hey James. I thought you were meant to be in Boston...

Posted by: Robin Grant | 27 Jan 2005 17:16:46

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